
Is AOL Mail Shutting Down?

AOL is an American Online which is an internet portal and also provides internet service. It is a Brand marketed by Verizon Media and it also helps in tracing the history of the users. The company has developed and helps in marinating online business which also includes a search engine, email service, website, and internet connectivity. They have initially started the service so that users can download content with ease. It largely has an Internet-based solution for home users and makes their work easy and simple. It is one of the most prominent internet service providers so that users can get their work in a perfect way. This also helps in making people modern life faster, easier, and smarter. AOL mail has now become the most popular email client and using the service people can enjoy the high speed of internet connection. Today people are using email service on a regular day for their professional and personal communication which makes the service of communication easy. But today c